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Update to importing Information Models, December 2021


With the recent releases of Prosys OPC UA SDK for Java 4.6.2 and Prosys OPC UA Simulation Server 5.1.4, it’s once again time to test importing information models from NodeSet files.

The Prosys OPC UA SDK for Java has been updated to use version 1.04.9 of the standard OPC UA information model. The Code Generator has also been updated to handle characters that would be illegal in Javadoc when they are used in descriptions in NodeSet files. The newest version of Prosys OPC UA Simulation Server uses this version of the Prosys OPC UA SDK for Java.

The OPC Foundation has updated existing information models and published several new ones: ISA-95 Job Control, PROFIenergy, DEXPI, OpenSCS, I4AAS, Pumps, CAS, Glass/Flat, Woodworking, Tightening and Weihenstephan. All of these new information models except for Woodworking could be successfully imported from NodeSet files with the new versions of Prosys OPC UA SDK for Java and Prosys OPC UA Simulation Server.

In addition to updating the blog post with new test results, the style of the blog post has also been updated. The information models are now sorted based on their specification numbers. Icons are used to indicate success, success with warnings and failure. Links to online versions of the specifications corresponding to the information models have been added to the detailed test results.

Please, see the updated Blog Post for further information on importing information models from NodeSet files.

Matti Siponen

Matti Siponen

Software Engineer

Email: matti.siponen@prosysopc.com

Expertise and responsibility areas: OPC UA product development and project work

Tags: OPC UA, Information Models, NodeSet, Simulation Server, SDK for Java

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