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OPC Day Finland 2022 - OPC UA extends to field and cloud


After two years of the event being hosted online, we gathered all together at Messukeskus, Helsinki, where the Finnish Society of Automation hosted the OPC Day Finland 2022. Every year experts from all over the world gather together to talk about technology and the new possibilities in smart manufacturing and other industrial domains.

The main focus of this year’s event was on how OPC UA extends to field and cloud. The whole day various speakers shared their valuable knowledge and broad experience. The topics also covered use cases and international collaborations, which are the key to success in the world of smart manufacturing.

With over 80 participants this year, the Messukeskus conference room was full of experts and industry professionals. We have been proud sponsors of OPC Day Finland for many years, and every time it is awarding to watch all the discussions and rising interest in OPC UA. Massive thanks to the Finnish Society of Automation for such a memorable experience!


In case you missed some of the presentations or couldn’t attend the event, we have created this article for you to give more insight into the event, speakers and topics covered. In addition, all the recordings are now available in a separate playlist on the Finnish Society of Automation YouTube channel. The copies of slides can also be found on the OPC Day Finland 2022 home page.


Below, you will find links to the individual presentation videos.

OPC Day Finland 2022 Speakers

Zhibek Moldagaliyeva profile photo

Zhibek Moldagaliyeva

Marketing Manager

Email: zhibek.moldagaliyeva@prosysopc.com

Expertise and responsibility areas: Web Development, Marketing and Communications

Tags: Events, OPC UA, IoT, OPC Day

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Prosys OPC is a leading provider of professional OPC software and services with over 20 years of experience in the field. OPC and OPC UA (Unified Architecture) are communications standards used especially by industrial and high-tech companies.

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