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Automation Day 24


Prosys will participate in the Automation Day 24 virtual event on April 13-14, 2021.

Automaatiopäivät24 is the 24th automation conference of the Finnish Society of Automation. It is the society´s most important conference in the fields of automation and digitalization of processes, factories and production as well as emerging applications in healthcare robotics and resilience in societies. The seminar program will contain presentations from both the industrial and the scientific worlds. The seminar will be a forum for networking between educational, research and business sectors.

The themes of the 24th automation conference are based around the environment, circular economy, sustainability, digitalization, applications of AI and continuous learning.

Topics include:

  • IoT, edge and cloud services
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Education
  • Modeling and simulation
  • Digital twins
  • Environmental solutions
  • Energy solutions
  • Control and systems engineering
  • Process automation and control
  • Robotics, machine automation
  • Human-centric automation
  • Automation and robotics for healthcare
  • Epidemiological models and resilience in societies

For more information, please contact us by email at sales@prosysopc.com or by phone at +358 9 420 9007.

Check the program of the event »

About Prosys OPC Ltd

Prosys OPC is a leading provider of professional OPC software and services with over 20 years of experience in the field. OPC and OPC UA (Unified Architecture) are communications standards used especially by industrial and high-tech companies.

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What is OPC?

OPC and OPC UA (Unified Architecture) are industry standards that enable software to connect devices, machines and systems from different manufacturers using same interface.

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