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OPC UA Workshop 2019 Summer


Prosys will organize the OPC UA Workshop, June 11-13 in Munich, Germany. The workshop is held in Hilton Munich Park.

You can select one, two or three days of training. Training will cover the basics of OPC UA for experts and software developers. The workshop is built around hands-on tasks for using and also for developing OPC UA applications.

During day 1 participants will get introduction to OPC UA specifications, features, scope, applications, products and use cases. Information Modeling, Communication Model and Security Concepts have their own sessions. At the end of the day, future roadmap of OPC UA specification is presented.

During days 2 and 3 the participants will learn how to create their own OPC UA Client and Server applications with the Prosys OPC UA Java SDK. Sample applications are developed using our Java SDK, adding the most important OPC UA features step-by-step. Participants can use this knowledge to create their own connections to any device or system using OPC UA.

In summary during the workshop you will learn to:

  • Install and use OPC UA applications
  • Connect an OPC UA client and navigate through the server address space to find information
  • Read and write data
  • Create subscriptions to monitor data changes and events
  • Create a fully functional OPC UA server
  • Define and use OPC UA information models
  • Define and use OPC UA methods, alarms and history data

Our customers have been extremely satisfied with the workshops during the past years, which is indicated by the very positive feedback we have received from the attendees.

Download Prosys Workshop brochure.

Read the brochure for more information »

For more information and registration, please contact us by email at sales@prosysopc.com or by phone at +358 9 420 9007.

About Prosys OPC Ltd

Prosys OPC is a leading provider of professional OPC software and services with over 20 years of experience in the field. OPC and OPC UA (Unified Architecture) are communications standards used especially by industrial and high-tech companies.

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What is OPC?

OPC and OPC UA (Unified Architecture) are industry standards that enable software to connect devices, machines and systems from different manufacturers using same interface.

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